Monday, October 24, 2005



Today's Washington Post sounds yet another death knell in the long drawn out public demise of crooked Tennessee Senator "Dollar" Bill Frist. It lays bare as completely false the entire edifice he has carefully constructed about a so-called "blind trust" insulating him from his family's multi-million dollar holdings in HCA, a huge hospital concern. This is more than just a crooked senator doing a little Martha Stewart-like insider trading. Frist, long considered to be one of the 2 or 3 least ethical and most hypocritical men in the U.S. Senate, drove U.S. health care policies with the sole purpose of increasing his families great wealth (estimated to be well over a BILLION dollars), at the expense of consumers, workers and... sound health care policies.

Now even Frist, who is stepping down from his perch as Bush's Senate Majority Leader in order to run for President (not of the hospital trade group, but of the United States... of America), realizes his future residence is more likely to be the Big House than the White House. This weekend, speaking at an Iowa Republican fundraising dinner, Frist seemed to signal that he might not run for president after all and that the outcome of the Federal investigation of his corrupt stock manipulations will affect his decision. Apparently he has ruled out running for president from a prison cell but he begged people to "wait for the facts before passing judgment." (If you don't want to wait but wantthe facts now, I suggest you go to Google and run a seach with the words "Frist" + "corrupt.")

In a statement that is sure to further erode Harriet Miers' chances to win the confidence of the American people-- if not Senate confirmation-- Frist admitted publicly that, although she doesn't have any judicial experience, he expects, according to the Associated Press, "that she will display the same ideals as the GOP." He doesn't seem to realize that that is exactly what is troubling so many Americans about this nomination!


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